David Walton’s Successful Application

David Walton

“My name is Dave Walton.  I joined the Royal Navy in July 1971. It was the best decision of my life.

I joined HMS Blake and visited many countries and in 1972 we went into a 12 month refit. All hands pitched in.  I was a signalman so our responsibility was the flight deck. We began taking paint off back to metal, using a windy hammer.  No Personal protection equipment other than overalls. We spent weeks using this equipment, and didn’t really think about all the noise at the time.

I started having hearing problems a few years ago without realising – until the wife gave me some grief about “throwing a deaf’un”, lol.

I put up with it for a while, then went to the docs, and, in turn, got an appointment at my local hospital.  Turns out I had a 30% loss in my left ear and an even worse loss in the right ear.

I eventually got an NHS hearing aid, but couldn’t get on with it!  My wife said it looked like a slug on my ear – that was another reason not to wear it.  It just made everything too loud too!

I got to know an ex serviceman at the football, and it was him that told me about the UK Veterans Hearing Fund team in Hinckley – who can access funding for hearing aids for Veterans via the Royal British Legion.  He gave me the number, so I contacted them and was sent for a hearing test with Roger Stokes at Hear4U in Leicester.

The outcome was that I needed two hearing aids. After a while, I got authorization to proceed. What a difference!  I’ve got a pair of the latest and most advanced aids – Phonak Marvel M90s – which are rechargeable too!!!  They are fantastic!!  I can answer my mobile calls with them as well!  The sound is streamed into my aids!!  These have made a massive difference to my life!  I can actually hear again!  I cannot thank the UK Veterans Hearing Fund Team; the Royal British Legion for fully funding the aids, and my Audiologist Roger at Hear4U for testing me and recommending these amazing aids.   This has completely changed my life already!!”


Roger explained to David that, initially everything sounds very sharp and tinny – because that’s the correction his hearing needs.  The aids are set at 80% of his prescription, to give him chance to get used to the improved clarity.  A fortnight after fitting, we will move him to 90% and during his following aftercare service we will ensure success with his new hearing aids, by proceeding at HIS speed.  When and IF he is ready to move to his full prescription, we will do this in due course.

If you are an Ex Serviceman and would like some fully funded top of the range hearing aids, please get in touch with us on 01455 248900 or [email protected] and our team will be more than happy to take you through this process.