Fundraising Events

Get Active for a Great Cause!

Interested in making a difference through a marathon, step challenge, or any fitness adventure? Join forces with us and make your effort count for veterans! Partner with the UK Veterans Hearing Foundation to turn your event into a powerful act of support. 

Contact us to connect your challenge with a cause that matters: 

Upcoming Events


Pop Up Shop

Due to the resounding success of our previous pop-up shop, we will be holding more pop-up shop events within the upcoming summer months.

Our Next Pop-Up shop will be held in July, on Friday the 14th, clear your calendars!

Past Events


CIOF Conference 2024

Earlier this month, Mrs. Chloe Knott, our manager at the UK Veterans Hearing Foundation (UVHF), had the honour of attending and speaking at the CIOF Conference 2024. The event brought together leaders from various small charities to discuss the pressing issues they face, particularly in securing funding and sustaining their operations.

Chloe’s speech highlighted the lingering impacts of the coronavirus pandemic on small charities, the reluctance of funders to allocate resources to smaller organisations, and the need for a more supportive funding system. She shared valuable tips for working with trusts and foundations, emphasising the importance of clear communication and efforts to maintain relationships with grant providers over time.

The conference sparked important discussions within the charitable sector, aiming to inspire a shift towards more equitable funding practices that enable all charities, regardless of size, to effectively serve their communities.

For more details on Chloe’s speech and the challenges faced by small charities, read the full article here.

CIOF Fundraising Convention 2024

Images Credit: CIOF

Armed Forces Day 2024: UKVHF gazebo with military equipment in background


Armed Forces Day 2024

On June 29th, 2024, the UK Veterans Hearing Foundation proudly participated in the Armed Forces Day event at Argents Mead, Hinckley. The event provided an excellent platform for raising awareness about the support our charity offers to veterans suffering from hearing loss and associated tinnitus.

Our team, dressed in UKVHF branded tops, engaged with the community through various activities, including raffle tickets, selling donations and sweet cones, and charity tins and handouts.

In just four hours, we successfully raised over £160 for our veterans! This event marked the beginning of many more to come, where we will continue our fundraising efforts and spread awareness about the challenges faced by veterans with hearing loss.


Celebrating a Year of
Success for Our Veterans

The event commemorating the historic capture of Fort Niagara we participated in this year was not just a nod to history but a true showcase of community spirit and giving.

The foundation is proud to share that the event was a standout success, with over £1500 raised to help veterans facing hearing loss challenges. This achievement was made possible by the wonderful people who joined in, whose generosity turned our goals into reality.

The raffle was a big part of the evening, filled with laughter and anticipation. As the winners were called out, each prize brought a smile and a moment of happiness. Seeing the winner of the hamper basket light up with joy was a highlight of the night. It reminded us all why these events are so important. They bring people together to help others, and that’s a wonderful thing. Each smile, each thank you, showed just how much the community cares and contributes to our cause.

As we step into the new year, the foundation is buoyed by the unwavering support and enthusiasm of our community. The dedication and commitment demonstrated by our supporters are the driving force behind our ongoing efforts to enhance the lives of our veterans.

Raffle prizes with sunset in background


The Union Inn Pub quiz

Our pub quiz was a huge success thanks to the lovely locals of Hinckley and the surrounding area.

A plethora of local businesses donated gift vouchers for us to raffle off at our event. This kind act contributed hugely to how much we were able to raise, with all earnings going towards veterans. The amazing businesses who contributed can be found below.

Overall we had 43 quiz participants and sold over 200 raffle tickets. We raised over £500 in aid of veterans who seek support with their hearing. This event was extremely successful and we eagerly look forward to hosting the next one. Thank you to all who participated and donated, it wouldn’t have been possible without you!

And a special thanks to Rob at The Union Inn who allowed us to use his venue for this event. 


Pop-Up Shop

Our pop-up clothing shop was an absolute success! We had a steady stream of customers coming in and out all day long. It was amazing to see how much people loved our unique and stylish clothing items.

Our team worked diligently to make sure everything was organized and presented in the best way possible and we received so much positive feedback from our customers, it was truly a rewarding experience to see our hard work pay off and we can’t wait to do it all again soon!

Your shopping with us helps make a positive impact on someone’s life. By treating yourself to something special, you join our mission to give back to veterans. 

We are proud to have contributed to a great cause by raising £200 during the few hours that the pop-up shop was open.