Frederick Osborne Fitted With New Hearing Aids.

Mr Osborne served in the RAF 300 squadron, he was a grand operator, plenty of live firing at all times. He spent 8 hours a day sending out codes to the other troops. Mr Osborne also flew aircraft’s and no hearing protection was worn during this time.

Mr Osborne struggled with his hearing mainly when in the company of others and there is a lot of background noise. He also struggled to hear when in a conversation one to one conversation,He also could not hear his daughter, which upset him.

His audiologist Roger Stokes at Hear4U recommend GN Resound Linx 3D9 ITE because of the ability of these hearing aids to provide clear and rich sound and help in identifying speech in noise. These hearing aids have a noise tracker which identifies and reduces unwanted noise. The binaural directional 3 feature along with the special sense feature will support binaural sound processing of the brain and in turn give a more natural and clear sound. These hearing aids can also be used to stream phone calls and an application can be used for Mr Osborne to manually adjust the hearing aids.

Mr Osborne will be having a check-up in 2 weeks time to see how he is getting on with his hearing aids.

If you are struggling with your hearing and was in the services please get in touch with us, on 01455 248900 or [email protected]