Navy Veteran Paul Hopkisson Supported!

Paul served in the Royal Navy from 1963 to 1972 being exposed to noise during this time, particularly from the submarines.

He has been wearing NHS hearing aids for 6 years, however is still having great difficulties with hearing.

My NHS hearing aids pick up all noises, and everything is all mixed together. Paul.H


How it affects paul’s every day life:

  1. Cannot hear full conversations when people talk
  2. Picks up a lot of background noise which is all muffled, and not the person who he is talking one to one with
  3. Struggles to listen to the radio, music and TV programs, especially if there is music and talking together
  4. Tinnitus is a great frustration and pain to Paul every day 24/7


Hearing Assessment:

Paul was referred to Hear4U in Hinckley where he was seen by audiologist Mr Ben Olivier. On testing, it is most important the hearing aids are suited to the individuals hearing needs. Paul was fitted with a pair of GN Resound Linx Quattro hearing aids, to which will benefit his hearing requirements to support with his every day hearing struggles.


The UK Veterans Hearing Foundation would like to show gratitude to the Veterans Foundation  (Veterans Lottery) for exceptional funding that has allowed us to improve Paul’s life.

Paul will now go on to receive support from the Charity and his clinic Hear4U