PART 2. Phillip Howells’ Hearing Pathway with the UKVHF – The Hearing Assessment

senior patient having hearing exam

Phillip, whilst being tested for hearing loss, has never been tested for Auditory Processing Disorder. When he tells you his difficulties that he faces every day it is evident that there is possibly more at play than just hearing loss.

After 18 years of working with all forms of small arms and explosives, it resulted in a bilateral sensorineural hearing loss in both ears, with normal hearing to 2kHz and then a drop in both ears to a severe level in the high frequencies.  The right ear shows recovery, but equally has a greater drop at 6kHz, this was also the ear that the radio was used on.

Tinnitus is in both ears, is very prevalent and annoying.  Phillip currently wears NHS hearing aids but reported to us that:

  • The TV is very difficult to watch as he needs it much louder than his family
  • Listening to the family conversation is difficult and he can feel excluded
  • Conversations with friends at restaurants and pubs are a no-go especially with background noise (Socialising is near to impossible)
  • Driving the bus, he struggles to hear the passengers
  • When using the phone, he struggles to hear the conversation

So overall, there is not one area of Phillip’s life that his hearing loss does not hold him back! He is affected virtually in every situation even with his NHS hearing aids.