Tinnitus Pathway Success!

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The UK Veterans Hearing Foundation has taken their first Veteran through the tinnitus pathway with The Hearing Coach and the outcome is fantastic!


Frank’s Review:

 ‘As a man who had entered his ‘seventies’ the prospect of a one-on-one weekly consultation spread over 8 sessions was more than a new departure. Nevertheless, the opportunity offered to me through the good offices of UKVHF having come to terms with the medically incurable condition that is tinnitus was too good to miss. Any opportunity to obtain some relief had to be exploited. Enter Lisa Caldwell my hearing coach, introduced after an exploratory chat with Chloe Johnston from UKVHF.

My journey had begun over a year earlier when, as an ex-serviceman (RAF), I had become aware of the support being offered by UKVHF with regard to hearing issues. As time passed it became apparent that UKVHF were not receiving the financial support previously enjoyed on behalf of deserving cases and their tenacity in persevering and not accepting defeat made my decision easy – if they could do this for me then it might just help in their unswerving efforts not to allow any reluctance I may have had and cooperate wholeheartedly. I’m so pleased I did.

Compared to many, my life was not subject to any serious negativity because of tinnitus. It was there and the circumstances I was living through at any given moment could influence my acknowledgement of it’s presence or not. Thankfully, depression or even more serious negative thoughts did not manifest themselves. That is not to say that sleep always came easy and those preferred quiet moments were left unchallenged, they weren’t!

I entered into this experience with a completely open mind and felt from the outset that Lisa’s friendly, encouraging and personal understanding as a fellow sufferer complimented the process from the beginning and helped me greatly in practicing the modules between sessions. ‘Mindfullness’ was not a subject which I had encountered before but from my perspective could also be described as ‘Mind over Matter‘ as I became more familiar, confident and a self practitioner. As the weeks passed I enjoyed the disciplines learned and even undertook them at times without any apparent conscious intent. I observed what I saw and didn’t just see it! My initial challenge was to give equal time and effort to the various facets of ‘Mindfulness’ but familiarity gave me the confidence to ‘pick and choose’ as suited my mood. I gained the confidence over time to exploit my options.

I surprised myself during my time with Lisa and definitely feel that I have discovered a new horizon within my mindset that I will not lightly ignore and will consequently take advantage of frequently and, as stated previously, without even taking a conscious decision so to do. In conclusion, this whole process has been an eye opener, a valuable life enhancer and still a learning curve which continues to be a work in progress. It will stay with me now and into the future.

I am very grateful to all concerned for this opportunity and have no hesitation in recommending Lisa and The Course and also it’s apparent benefits for other debilitating conditions that modern medicine has not yet conquered. Thank you again!‘



The UK Veterans Hearing Foundation would like to show gratitude to the Veterans Foundation  (Veterans Lottery) for exceptional funding that has allowed us to improve Mr Henderson’s life in the dire times of COVID-19.


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