Success stories

Veteran Fitting Complete

Veteran Fitting Complete!

After Serving, Mr Craig Holland approached us in hopes of support with his hearing difficulties. Serving within the the Staffordshire regiment and the Mercian regiment, Craig developed hearing problems within

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veteran receiving hearing aids

Royal Navy Veteran Supported

Mr Michael George came to us looking for support with his hearing difficulties. As a veteran, previously serving within the Royal navy from 1955- 1967, we were happy to help.

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veteran receiving support

RAF Veteran Supported!

About Paul Williams: Meet Paul Williams, an amazing veteran who served in the RAF for many years! Paul suffers from severe hearing problems which require dedicated support and care. Suffering

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Royal Signals Veteran Supported

After serving 26 years in the army, Mr Gordon Raku turned to “Veterans Hearing Help” for hearing support, and while he was unable to receive funds through the Hearing Fund,

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