Silver Award Winner 2019 Proudly Supporting Those Who Serve.

Silver Award


UK Veterans Hearing Help has scored another perfect goal by employing more Veterans within the organisation and this has been recognized with the Silver Award of the Defense Employment Recognition Scheme.  This is an important leap for the company who, through HealthScreenUK, Hear4U and UK Veterans Hearing Fund, are able to give first hand military advice to those they come in contact with.  Managing Director, Sam Bennett believes that this shows how committed our organisation is in both employing and helping Veterans enjoy a better way of life and as we progress, there is nothing stopping us achieving the Gold status.

This accolade is not something that is given and has to be presented to a Board of members who only select those deemed worthy of the award.  The hard work by staff to present a worthwhile case to the Board shows the level of dedication by the UK Veterans Hearing Help.  This will now enhance the recognition already awarded by being part of the Armed Forces Covenant.