Support From RNID Offered!

RNID can support veterans with their hearing loss in many ways. Providing information about hearing aids and the process of getting them, maintaining them.

RNID’s support sessions are a safe place where attendees can ask questions about anything regarding hearing loss. These sessions are great for finding information on benefits you may be eligible for, information on how to apply for disabled bus pass or discounted rail card, and
information on how to contact social services to arrange for assessment. Along with this, the support session will also help you learn how to manage tinnitus.

Their volunteers are there as a listening ear so veterans don’t feel so alone. Some of them also suffer from hearing loss so can understand the struggles. However, through this they can share hints and tips on how to cope better.

At the moment RNID are only holding support sessions, but soon they will be setting up a coffee morning in the city of Leicester.

These meetings will be held at 10a Bishop Street, Leicester, LE1 6AF and will be once a month, every 3rd Wednesday at 10am–12.00pm.

To view their website, click here.

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