Thank You For Supporting Our Pub Quiz

Our pub quiz was a huge success thanks to the lovely locals of Hinckley and the surrounding area.

A plethora of local businesses donated gift vouchers for us to raffle off at our event. This kind act contributed hugely to how much we were able to raise, with all earnings going towards veterans. The amazing businesses who contributed can be found below.

And a special thanks to Rob at The Union Inn who allowed us to use his venue for this event. 

Overall we had 43 quiz participants and sold over 200 raffle tickets. We raised over £500 in aid of veterans who seek support with their hearing. This event was extremely successful and we eagerly look forward to hosting the next one. Thank you to all who participated and donated, it wouldn’t have been possible without you!

Want to support a veteran?

If you would like to join our mission to help veterans across the UK then consider donating to our foundation! 100% of the proceeds go towards supporting a veteran.

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