The UKVHH response to the Royal British Legion funding uncertainty. – Sam Bennett CEO

For those of you currently awaiting funding from the Royal British Legion, you would have received an email/letter stating that your application has been either registered or put on hold for 90 days without any further information. They have now stated that they cannot guarantee to fund all of the applications. It is apparent that the money given by the Government from the Libor Scandal is coming to the end of the five-year cycle and, there is no reassurance that there will be further funds being made available. We understand this can only be a disappointing message to you all including ourselves who, are so passionate about helping Veterans with a hearing problem resulting from military service.

We at the UK Veterans Hearing Help are not taking this Royal British Legion funding uncertainty laying down and we will endeavor to continue to help Veterans by changing the way we operate and, are now putting in place several different measures which will ensure that we can continue to support you all. It is our intent to:

  • Obtain full charity registration and become a member of COBSEO (The Confederation of Service Charities); our application for charity status is currently being processed.
  • Already liaising with other Service charities to ascertain if they will fund future applications. 
  • We have Approached organisations that support charities to obtain funding to support Veterans.
  • Identify ways where we can help partners of Veterans including funding.
  • Working with the Blue Light Services who employ many Veterans who also have hearing problems.
  • Working with District Councils to offer our first-class service to local care homes, organisations and their local Veterans.
  • Setting up partnerships with fellow charities to ensure that they can be assured of the best level of treatment and care for their Veterans.
  • Looking at ways where we can help those with mental health issues (PTSD) and, support other organisations that currently care for those who are suffering.
  • Continue to use independent Audiologists throughout the UK and very soon, other parts of the world to provide a personal and first-class level of support.

Please be assured that we are working towards a positive outcome for those of you who are taking the journey for a better quality of life and, we will do our utmost to ensure that your application is given the highest level of support that we can give. Our team, Ben and I care a great deal about you all and it is our determination, direction, and desire that will ensure that we can continue giving that special service you all deserve. We are proud to say that we have already managed to obtain funding for over 400 Veterans, are continuing to look after well over 2000 and have no desire to stop supporting you all.

Lastly, I must point out that we are a non-making profit organisation which will soon be known as the UK Veterans Hearing Foundation with any surplus funding being directed at research and mental health support. Keep in contact with my team and as things develop, we will ensure that you are kept informed of all the exciting changes we are implementing to make it a resounding success.