Tinnitus Support!

Tinnitus Coach

Supporting us

The hearing Coach has recently became in partnership in supporting the UK Veterans Hearing Foundation to support Veterans with their tinnitus. A great amount of Veterans suffer with bilateral tinnitus, and do not know how to cope with this. Although there is not a cure for tinnitus, there is support out there to help mange your tinnitus for a better quality of life!

The Hearing Coach

Lisa Caldwell: The support I provide is through Mindfulness-Based Tinnitus Management. We meet online for 8 sessions during which I teach you a range of mindfulness practices that have helped many people who struggle with tinnitus.

I developed tinnitus in 2005 when I lost my hearing on one side overnight. For nine exhausting years it left me unable to sleep, concentrate at work or stop worrying about living like this for the rest of my life.

​Mindfulness changed everything. I took an 8-week course to help with my chronic pain. It made so much difference that I researched whether mindfulness could help me with my tinnitus too. The answer was a definite YES! So much so that I trained to become a Certified Mindfulness Meditation Teacher.

Through regular use of the mindfulness practices I teach in the course I am much better able to cope with my tinnitus. It’s still there, but I am less aware of it and no longer worried about it. I control how I respond to my tinnitus – it no longer controls me. And that is a huge relief!

How this works

I set up The Hearing Coach to use my experience of tinnitus and hearing loss to help others who find themselves in this new and often-times distressing world. As well as providing coaching I’ve created a bespoke mindfulness course specifically for people with tinnitus – Mindfulness-Based Tinnitus Management™.

The course teaches tried and tested techniques that help you to:

  • reduce your experience of tinnitus
  • improve your quality of life
  • reduce stress, anxiety and depression
  • improve fatigue and sleep
  • optimise focus and positivity
  • answer “why me” and “what if…”

​The course is tailored to you, and the challenges you experience with tinnitus. You and I will meet once a week on Zoom, for a period of 8 weeks.

  1. Introduction to mindfulness
  2. Paying attention
  3. Reaction v response
  4. Judgment
  5. Acceptance
  6. Goals
  7. Compassion
  8. Integration
table showing steps for tinnitus relief
Tinnitus Pathway



If you’d like to know more about the Hearing Coach, visit the website- www.thehearingcoach.co.uk or email [email protected]