Celebrating a Year of Success for Our Veterans

Raffle prizes with sunset in background

As this year comes to a close, the UK Veterans Hearing Foundation wants to acknowledge the moments that have brought us together. The event commemorating the historic capture of Fort Niagara we participated in this year was not just a nod to history but a true showcase of community spirit and giving.

The Power of Community

The foundation is proud to share that the event was a standout success, with over £1500 raised to help support veterans facing hearing loss challenges. This achievement was made possible by the wonderful people who joined in, whose generosity turned our goals into reality.

The raffle was a big part of the evening, filled with laughter and anticipation. As the winners were called out, each prize brought a smile and a moment of happiness. Seeing the winner of the hamper basket light up with joy was a highlight of the night. It reminded us all why these events are so important. They bring people together to help others, and that’s a wonderful thing. Each smile, each thank you, showed just how much the community cares and contributes to our cause.

As we step into the new year, The UK Veterans Hearing Foundation is buoyed by the unwavering support and enthusiasm of our community. The dedication and commitment demonstrated by our supporters are the driving force behind our ongoing efforts to enhance the lives of our UK Veterans.

A photo of Ben with hamper basket winner at raffle event.

Looking Forward: A Call to Continued Support

The difference we make is a direct reflection of your generosity. With each donation, we’re able to extend more hearing support services, help more Veterans, and make a greater impact. We extend our sincerest thanks to each person who has played a role in our achievements this year. As the festive season unfolds and we embark on a new year, we’re filled with optimism for what we can accomplish together.

Looking ahead, we invite you to continue this journey of Veteran support and generosity. If you haven’t had the chance to contribute, or if you’re moved to do so again, we welcome your donations. Every donation, no matter what size, contributes to a veteran’s well-being and is a step towards a future where every service member receives the care and respect they deserve.

Warmest wishes for the holiday season and a prosperous new year. Let’s keep the spirit of giving alive and make the coming year a beacon of progress and hope.

With gratitude,

The UK Veterans Hearing Foundation

Want to support a veteran?

If you would like to join our mission to help veterans across the UK then consider donating to our foundation! 100% of the proceeds go towards supporting a veteran.

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