Our First Success-Soldiering On

Peter Hearnden

Mr Hearnden’s Journey

Mr Peter Hearnden was  Born and raised in Walhamstow E17 (LONDON) in June 1936. He was apart of National Service for 2years  RASC (Transport Div) –  Firstly Aldershot (2 Weeks).  Basic Training,  followed  by more intense training at Blandford Forum (3 Months.)

He carried out multiple duties and drills including: square bashing ,rifle Shooting, using explosives, bazooka’s and completed a driver training course in heavy vehicles and Jeeps.

He was later posted to BAOR 39 (Germany): (18 Months). Continued Square bashing, Military exercises, Drills, Driving large Military Vehicles, staff cars and Jeeps.  Extra exercises due to Cold War threat (Russia).

“3 Months before demob, We undertook  further exercises due to Suez  crisis (Egypt)being held on 48 hr standby, with a possible 6 months extended National Service!My company was not needed therefore I left after the required 2years . In chivvy Street, I applied to become a Dept. of Transport A.D.I Driving Instructor working both in London &  South East England using a variety of vehicles over many years.

During the latter years I became aware my hearing was deteriorating and knowing there was hearing problems in my family,  my GP referred me for further investigations. NHS Audiologist confirmed my right ear was well below par, Hearing aid (1) dispensed (analogue). After numerous ear infections, ear syringing then micro suctions & a severe bout of shingles (RH) side of head.

Eventually two digital hearing aids were dispensed by NHS but found that I had to rely on help using the TV, Telephone, and shopping therefore losing my confidence. I became aware of UK Veterans Hearing Foundation & the Royal British Legion. Thanks to the team at UK Veterans Hearing Foundation they came to my rescue. With new ‘state of the art’ hearing aids & other equipment, I can now use the phone, hear the TV, go shopping independently without support from my partner.  With 70% hearing loss  I needed all the help I could get and was granted this help via UK Veterans Hearing Foundation. Well done ‘UK Veterans Hearing Foundation’ I’m grateful to all the team for this help”

Thank you.

Kent Hearing-Assessment for Mr Hearnden

Dr Carling has kindly provided her perspective on the entire procedure with Mr Hearnden.

I first met Peter in the summer of 2019 when he was referred to me by UK Veteran’s Hearing Foundation.  Peter had a long-standing hearing loss and had already been wearing hearing aids for some years.  This delightful man, who is always very cheerful and friendly, attended our clinic with his charming wife.  I always like to talk to a patient’s other half or partner about their hearing loss and the issues that it raises for both them and their family.

I undertook a full hearing assessment of Peter’s hearing and his communication needs, which then led us to decide on the technology that would be best suited to Peter to enable him to make the most of his residual hearing and have the best quality of life possible going forwards, despite having a significant hearing loss.

Peter then revisited me at Kent Hearing in early June 2020 for the fitting of his new hearing aids and accessories. His wife again accompanied him and I spoke at length to them both about how to get the most out of Peter’s new hearing aids.

Both Peter and his wife have been amazing at communicating what they think they need so that they can get the most out of his new aids.  The fitting was more challenging for Peter than originally anticipated, due to requirement for all parties to be wearing masks, and in my case full PPE, in light of Covid -19 guidelines.

Peter’s new devices are significantly more technologically advanced that his previous hearing aids, so his management plan incorporates a number of future appointments to adjust and add additional benefits, for example activating Bluetooth, an adaptor for his home TV and using a remote microphone for particularly challenging background noises.

It has been a pleasure working with Peter to manage and get the most from his hearing and I’m delighted to be able to help all UK Veterans in this way.  I truly believe that they deserve all possible support to give them the best quality of hearing and quality of life for the future.

Dr Priya Carling, AuD, RHAD

Director and Consultant Audiologist, Kent Hearing.

Struggles in his daily life

He occasionally does better with one to one conversation however finds the telephone extremely difficult. Both Mr Hearnden and his wife report that they feel he is missing out on a lot as he does not wish to socialize and can not do anymore of his hobbies as he struggles to hear in various environments. Pure tone audiometry disclosed a severe to profound bilateral hearing loss which is slightly worse on the right but is not significantly different.

The speech testing showed him to have some levels of recruitment, with him reaching a maximum score of just over 70% on both the right and left for speech and quiet.

A New Beginning!

Mr Hearden has now been fitted with Phonak Marvel 312 T as he requires a telecoil, in order to support him in all environments a Roger Select was included, this handy little gadget allows him to tune into a conversation whether being in a café, restaurant, meeting.

Following on from Mr Hearndens fitting we were over the moon to hear how drastically his quality of life improved. In just a week he was able to take full control of his life again, with excitement we wanted to get this news over to the Veterans Foundation (Veterans Lottery)


“Speaking to Peter for the first time on the Phone!!! Today was so lovely I have dealt with his wife throughout the whole process since first supporting him 1 year ago trying to get him support with funding.

He has done wonderful things in just a week! He has took his car for an MOT for the first time in years on his own, they have had a repair guy out for their freezer and he was able to deal with this on his own its small things like this we all take for granted but this has brought great happiness to peters life!”


The UK Veterans Hearing Foundation would like to show gratitude to the Veterans Foundation  (Veterans Lottery) for exceptional funding that has allowed us to improve Mr Hearndens life in the dire times of COVID-19.

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